Crushing Addiction

Hi, I’m Mike and I’m a college football addict.

For years, I have waited around on Saturday afternoons or evenings for my beloved Badgers to kick off.  I don’t literally wait, but the game usually lingers somewhere between my eyes and it’s hard to see the other offers right in front of my face.  This Saturday was no exception and at 7 pm I plopped on the couch waiting for God knows what.

It started off great.  Wisconsin was up 20-3 on the road against Nebraska’s double digit spread.  We were supposed to get crushed, and my boys were throwing haymakers, but I was still uneasy.  WAY off center and enlisting other addictions to balance it out.

Nebraska came storming back and in an instant, the game was tied.  Then we were losing.  Then we blew an opportunity to win the game at the buzzer.  Then I was bummed.  Then I was sleeping.

The point of all this discussion?  I don’t think it’s healthy and am entertaining the thought of letting it go.  That’s weak, boy!  Yeah, maybe it is, but I rarely feel good about games anymore. Even if Wisconsin wins, it is relatively empty and kinda just makes me smile in the mirror or something silly.  It’s tying myself to something out of my control.  Building an emotional connection with a bunch of college kids that wear the state logo.  I guess it’s a little like gladiator days, but those fuckers were killing each other.  It was life and death shit.  This is just a gaggle of college dudes that, win or lose, are gonna get laid after the game.

I realize that football is a distraction and not always bad.  But like anything, if you dip your pen in the well too many times, things are gonna get messy.  For me, that mud comes in the form of not getting anything done.  It strips the moment and steals momentum.

The NFL lost my interest for similar reasons about 10 years ago.  I can honestly say that I have no more than 2% interest on any given Sunday.  The replacement refs hooked me a bit, but now I won’t watch a down –and let me tell you– it’s a great feeling to get Sunday back.

So, with a bit of caution I declare that college football will slowly roll from my finger tips like a fumbled Hail Mary.  I know it won’t be easy, but the first step is admitting the problem.

Today’s Diet:
Breakfast – Banana, Coffee
Snack – Coffee
Lunch – Horseshit Lasagna, Bread sticks, unsweet tea
Snack – Fiber bar (this has got to stop!)
Dinner – Pickle, Green food in water, Chili Burger and fries at The Pharmacy, 2 beers.
Conversation: Great post-race discussion with Jim and Daniel along with a load of other unexpected runners and triathletes.