I'm No Dietary Expert, but . . .

If you say anything with confidence, people are more likely to believe your message.  Driving back from lunch today, I heard a radio commercial for a weight loss product that said “People have reported losing 11 pounds in the first 7 days!”  My first thought was, wow, they’re letting concentration camps advertise on the radio now. 

Okay . . . all you have to do is add this product to water and watch the fat burn away. 

Now, I don’t claim to be an expert, but this sounds like a recipe for disaster.  I’ve lost about 25 pounds since January, 2012.  It has been a very slow burn.  Two to three pounds a month, and the kicker is, I haven’t made one conscious effort at changing my diet.  I’m not suggesting that’s the plan either, but it’s pretty sweet to be able to eat what you want and lose weight.  The only catch?  Working your ass off in the pool, on the bike, and on the run. 

My diet is morphing naturally.  I don’t avoid foods because I “should,” I avoid them because I’m more in touch with my body.  Slowly, but surely cravings have fallen away.  I still get trapped in the time crunch on occasion and swing across the street for a drive thru experience.  An example . . . my “lunch” today was at Wendy’s.  But I used to do that 2 or 3 times a week.  Somehow, some way, it just stopped happening. 

But, who am I to know?  Maybe there is a much easier solution and dropping “Be Skinny” into your water works.   

4 Replies to “I'm No Dietary Expert, but . . .”

  1. I hear you. I found at a point I had to look at calories as I just was not eating enough. Started to eat enough and the pounds burned away. Love the advertisement of that product though, got to love the easy plan for weight loss.

    1. It seems illogical, but really makes a lot of sense. I’ve always heard that about getting enough sleep, too. Your body needs fuel and rest. If it doesn’t get them, it starts hording on itself. Or something like that. Thanks, Chatter.

      1. Its really a matter of finding the sweet spot where your getting enough but not too much or too little. After I bumped up my calories I took off over 10 pounds and have kept it off within two months. I then had to bump the calories down a bit to reflect the change in weight, and all is sailing right again. Meant to mention love the vids so far, very epic feeling.

  2. I think those weight loss ‘fads’ work because they are so expensive so when you go on them you cannot afford to buy food to eat! LOL! But yes, I’ve found since starting serious training I want to eat the right way to fuel my workouts properly. It is like food changes from a tasty morsel to a bricket to help the triathlon fire burn longer! 🙂

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