This is the Stuff That Keeps Me Writing #IMWI

I am blown away by the positive feedback on this blog and especially for my Ironman Wisconsin Race Report.  Along with movement, writing is probably my biggest passion, and I express how far your input goes in keeping this blog alive.  And it will stay alive.  I am bursting with energy and ideas that I want to explore.

Here are a few of the comments people have left about the Race Report and I can honestly say, words like these will push me and Crushing Iron to a higher place.

“Mike, best report I have ever read. Loved Alt. Mike’s take on the race and the battle you waged with him. Congrats. Huge.” – Frank

“This report is amazing! I had chills and tears! I am doing IMWI 2014 and it will be my first, this article has me so pumped already!!!!!” – Jason

“I’ve been reading a lot of race reports and I have to say that you are a good writer.”  – Wendy

“Great report! I am so enjoying it. Agree with Wendy!” – Roman

“Only thing better than your race report was your results.  Well done on all accounts.”  – Tim

“Great job out there and great write up! Your blog has been entertaining all year and this is a great cap to it. Are you in for 2014 too?” – Mark

“Awesome report! A lot of first time experiences going on for you that day! Well done!” – Chris

“Loved the report! Well done!” – Debimage