10 Things I Thought About on My Run Tonight

1.  I wonder if all runners go through the same cycle:  Obsessed with knowing everything about running, obsessed about their times and pace, loving running because it’s free and feels good.

2.  Why don’t all runners smile, wave, or say hi to each other?

3.  Is patriotism a necessary evil in the wide scope of humanity?

4.  I really wish I would have changed my socks halfway through the marathon at Ironman Louisville.

5.  Are non-English speaking citizens lonely, or happier than most because they have a small and tight circle of people they trust?

6.  What do dogs think runners are?

7.  Are we really meant to be with one person forever?

8.  I can’t wait to get back into the pool.

9.  Running doesn’t have to be that hard.

10.  It’s amazing how fast you can get out of shape after an Ironman.