My 10 Favorite Things About Cycling

1.  A sore ass.
2.  Getting chased by dogs.
3.  Sharing the road with super nice and respectful pick-up truck drivers.
4.  Numb hands
5.  Allergens flying into my mouth and eyes for hours on end.
6.  The awesome feeling of wearing tight bike shorts all morning.
7.  Four hour rides fit right into my schedule.
8.  Downward dog has nothing on aero position.
9.  Avoiding people with baby strollers on the bikeway.
10.  It’s a super cheap hobby.RevBikeOriginalsmaller

6 Replies to “My 10 Favorite Things About Cycling”

    1. Ha…. true…. as you can maybe tell, I’m struggling with the bike right now. I plan to explain some of this angst tomorrow. I used to love biking! Need to reclaim my mojo.

      1. Indeed brother. Might I suggest some mountain biking? Something about getting muddy, falling down and getting both wheels off the ground at the same time gets me back to square. Puts a smile on my face every time.

        1. excellent suggestion… in fact, that’s what I used to love about cycling… mountain biking… ha… I do need to get he Gary Fisher out soon.

  1. I’d have to add the opportunity to swallow bugs, provide a target for the dive bombing black birds, and chaffing to my top 10 list as well.

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