Mike Tarrolly — Co-host of the Crushing Iron Podcast
I knew the day would come, but no amount of preparation can soothe the pain of losing a dog. She was fading fast and I’m pretty sure it was the right decision, but I’ll never fully know.
Everything I do brings her to my mind. I’ll open the fridge and wonder if she wants a snack. I get on the treadmill and wonder why she isn’t lying there watching. I’ll open the front door and look to see if she needs to go out. She was a fighter and usually game for whatever silly idea I had in mind.

Sometimes these thoughts bring a tear to my eye. I miss petting her and asking her questions she would never answer. I miss seeing her eyes light up when I was making her breakfast. All these little things that I appreciated daily, but didn’t know how much.
I’m not sure the pain will ever fully go away, but I’m fortunate to have a group of friends and athletes that helped me get a grip when I thought I might crumble for good. They sent me heart felt messages and I thought I would share some of them.
Messages from Athletes
• I am so sorry to hear. She is one of the best and you’ve given her the best life for 15 years. As strange as it seems, I think giving them the gift of not suffering is really special. I’ll let all my best pups know to keep an eye out for her at the rainbow bridge this afternoon. The squirrels and sunshine will be waiting for her.
• I’m so very sorry to hear about Mattie. I have no doubt that you’ve given her all the love she deserved and the best life she could have ever wanted. Letting our dogs cross that rainbow bridge is incredibly difficult, but there is peace waiting for her. Take all the time you need. Sending you a huge hug.
• I’m so sorry to hear this. We said goodbye to one of our dogs in September right after moving to Austin and know how difficult it is. Keeping you all in my thoughts and please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you out.
• So sorry to hear Mike! Those are a few of the hardest things I have done for some of the best friends I have had. I’ll be praying for you my friend.
• I’m so sorry to hear about Mattie. Although it doesn’t make anything any easier I think it is true that pets have a way of letting us know when it is time. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
• You have given her an amazing life and she has been well loved. There will never be enough time with our pups but she will always be a piece of your heart. Wishing you peace and the ability to focus on all of your happiness together as she finally gets to rest pain free.
• I’m so sorry to hear about Mattie. One of my cats had her first seizure 4 years ago yesterday. I was just thinking about it yesterday. I wasn’t ready and I don’t think she was either for it to be the end in January but several months, she really told me when it was time. It’s never easy to end their lives but when it’s time, I think they appreciate the end of their pain. I’m so sorry for your loss.
• We are blessed to have them even if, for a short time. They are, in every way, the best that this world has to offer. Unconditional loyalty, love, and companionship are only the biggest gifts we get from them; there are just too many to list. We are better human because of our pets. They teach us patience, compassion, to live in the moment, and most of all, they teach us to have short memories and forgive. Every day, everything is new to them.
• I’m so sorry to hear about Mattie. Losing a pet is like losing a member of the family, and my heart truly goes out to you. I’ve been through it a few times myself, and I can tell you, it never really gets easier. Time is the only thing that helps. While their lives may be shorter than ours, the love they give us is endless, and that stays with us forever.
• I’m so sorry to hear about Mattie. I’m thinking of you as you make the hardest decision for her today. She’s had the best dog life with you. You made her a very happy dog. 15 long years is an incredible life.
I always try to remember when it’s time to let one go, it’s the last kind thing I can do for them. It’ll break your heart but she won’t be left to suffer. I’m so sorry. It’s the hardest part about loving them.
• I am so sorry to hear about Mattie. Sending you all the positive thoughts and vibes. I hope you can find some peace in the coming days. We’ll all be here when you’re ready. Take your time.
• Man, Sorry to hear what you are going through…This poem, “When Great Trees Fall,” by Maya Angelou is about people, but I think it is apropos for our beloved pets when, as W.H. Auden wrote, that “miraculous birth” occurs.
• I’m really sorry to hear about Mattie. Just last year we had to do the same thing and it’s awful. Don’t worry about catching up with my training. I’m fine keeping it going until you’re ready.
• I am so very sorry about Mattie. Rudyard Kipling said, the price of a good gundog is a broken heart at the end.
She means a whole lot to you, and I guarantee you gave her the best life anyone could. You were the best, most loving dog dad there could be, and she knew it too!
• I’m so deeply sorry for the pain you are feeling. So sorry for the loss your heart will feel.So thankful for the unconditional love she has shown you. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.
• Dude! I’m so sorry to hear all of this. We have been through the same recently as we had to put our 9 year old Dane down at the beginning of December. It sucks, and it’s unfair, but we still love them no matter what.
There were many more beautiful messages by text and other comments on FB and all of the love helped me immensely. Thank you everyone. I’m doing my best but it still hurts.