The Decision Behind “The Decision 2018”

By Mike Tarrolly for Crushing Iron

As many of you saw on Facebook Live Friday June 5th at Noon CST, I have decided to once again tackle Ironman Louisville this year. It’s the second year in a row I will be running past Churchill Downs and the third time overall.

(If you can’t see the Facebook link, please join our closed group by searching “Crushing Iron Group”)

This race has had my number.

The first time was back in the August days and Coach Robbie and I experienced the wrath of running an Ironman marathon in 98 degree heat with no shade. It nearly broke my soul, but I finished in what is my slowest Ironman time to date.

Last year it was in October and nearly a polar opposite experience. From the opening cannon the wind was fierce and I remember looking at the river on the last few miles of that bike and seeing white caps. It was also “cold” but that wasn’t the problem. It was the run.

Something about that flat run gets me good. Louisville owns both of my worst run times and that’s more than a little puzzling because it’s supposed to be the “easiest” run course of the three.

Sadly, I don’t think I even wrote about it, which is another thing that is starting to change with me. Writing is absolutely my best weapon for this sport. It clears the air and most importantly helps me remember the little things.

But . . . back to the Decision 2018.

One of the main reasons I decided (honestly 20 minutes before the announcement) to do a Full again is because I didn’t have a good reason NOT to do one. Training for Ironman changed my life back when I was 49 and I don’t want to lose the momentum of what’s been built.

I’m doing it because I CAN.

Another reason is simply wrapped up in the concept of doing something hard. We can easily get caught up in the idea that relaxing means be lazy and lounge around. I do it all the time. But relaxing in its best definition means clearing the mind and doing things that you love. That make you feel better.

Admittedly, some of the training makes me feel like shit, but most of the time I love heading out on a run or a ride. For the days that suck, see “do something hard, so the other things in life are easy.”

I’m doing it because It’s HARD.

Finally, it’s just a big part of who I am now. It’s easy to think the best thing for me is to back off and gather my bearings. But sometimes I just think that’s feeling sorry. Sorry that I actually have to LIVE. That’s a sticky piece of real estate for the mind to live in.

I think back to a blog I wrote about my mom while training for my first Ironman. It is honestly one of the most important lessons I’ve ever learned in life and I try to remember it every time I fade back into taking the easy way out by doing nothing.

I’m doing it because it makes me feel ALIVE.

After I made the decision on Facebook Live, Coach Robbie made a simple comment: “Good decision. Now go for a run.”

That’s exactly what I did, and while out there in the sweltering heat I remembered a very important part of training that gave me relief as I turn my mind back into the full Ironman mode. I truly think it will help me to enjoy training more, and ultimately help me race better.

Running Slow To Get Fast

My Running Woes

First off, let me acknowledge that I can be misguided at times, oh, like how I convinced myself before IM 70.3 Chattanooga that I was going to bike like a madman and take my chances on the run. Well, it didn’t work.

Going into IM Louisville, it has to be largely about the run for me. I’ve rarely performed well after T2 and I really want that to happen. I think actually my best run ever was IM Chattanooga. It was by far the hardest and I ran my customary 4:20ish.

While it’s not overly fast, as I think back, that was probably the best run shape I’ve been in before an Ironman. For sure I’d put out some of my longest runs. I also remember enjoying it more after I got in shape for it . . . So . . . . . . . . .

The Beauty in Running Slow

After today’s Decision, the first thing I did was go out for a run. It was one o’clock in the afternoon, 93 degrees, and sunny. I said to myself . . . oh, what a wonderful world. Actually, I didn’t say that at all, I said, just go take a nice little hour long run and try to finish feeling like you could keep going. Take it slow, Mike!

So, what did I do? I went out slow. And about a mile in, I looked at my pace. 9:00/min miles.

I’m convinced that nine minute miles are my natural cadence. So, for the first 3 or 4 miles, 9 minutes seems right in the wheel house. Nine is normal, even easy. I will find myself creeping into the 8:30 without thinking much, like today, but that’s when running starts to get hard. Especially when it’s hot.

We did a podcast called “Running Slow To Get Fast” and while I think our podcasts are gold, sometimes things don’t click with me. But today, that’s when I think I figured it out.

The 10/17 Run

My problem is impatience. Even today when I thought I was running for time, an hour was the target, I got to the halfway point at 38 minutes. Since it was a turnaround, I was basically screwed.

I did what I always do, turned up the speed to get done faster, but I was really struggling. I stopped once to cool down and hydrate in the shade. Then I thought, what if I slowed way down to a 10 minute pace and if I ever got lower, I had to walk until I’m at a 17 minute pace?

The Power of Patience

That means the dilemma is, if you go too fast, you have to slow down even more, elongating an already long run. It happened twice over the last 25 minutes and, frankly, it was awesome.

It dawned on me that a 9 minute pace is natural without effort, but if I’m not strong enough to hold that pace it doesn’t really matter how “fast” I am. Slow running is harder and builds the durability muscles. Strengthens the frame. That’s what I need.

For the next month or so I’m really going to try and slow it down. Build the chassis as coach calls it. Then see if I can move the speed. But even then, I have my doubts because how fast will I really go during a full Ironman? It’s better to be durable and strong.

Thanks for the support!

Here’s Our Crushing Iron Podcast on Ironman Louisville Course Strategy

Have YOU been thinking about an Ironman, half or any kind of triathlon, but don’t know how to start, please consider us for coaching. We’ve been through most every situation regarding this sport, including starting from scratch. We’ve also taken athletes from their “stuck point” and helped get them on the Ironman podium. We love working with beginners and athletes that want to push it to the next level. Check out our coaching page for more information, including philosophy and pricing.

All 170 podcast can be found on iTunes or on our podcast page.

You can always support The Crushing Iron podcast by making a small pledge here.


New Triathlon Camp Video – Nashville, Tennessee 2018

Crushing Iron puts on several Triathlon camps a year and these are highlights from April, 2018 in Nashville, Tennessee. We had nearly 20 athletes in town and they all came with a great attitude ready to work. Hear their feedback on camp and see highlights from Natchez Trace, Percy Priest Lake at Anderson Beach, and the abandoned airfield we lovingly call “The Lab.”

If you’d like more information on camps or coaching please click and don’t forget to check out the Crushing Iron Podcast released every Monday and Thursday. Motivation, Information, and Good ole fashioned rambling.

"100 Days to Ironman Louisville"

It’s far less than 100 days away, but Mike and Robbie have been recording video documentation of every training day on their way to Ironman Louisville this October. Videos can be found at the Crushing Iron page on YouTube. Here’s a sample of what’s been going on.

We also headed out to the River Bluff Triathlon in Ashland City this past weekend for an Olympic and had four C26 Athletes on the podium. Across the country we were 6 for 6. Great racing everyone!

riverbluff podiumsWant to dial in your swimming before your next race? Check out the C26 Coach’s Eye, which has been helping people get remarkable short-term return on their swimming. Check out the video to see how easy it is to fix your swim stroke.

There’s a lot more going on, along with a new website coming soon. And the podcast is really taking off. Click picture below for a link to our latest podcast, or find us on iTunes under Crushing Iron Podcast

train smart

Introducing the Fab . . . 6?

Well, yesterday, I noticed a cryptic post on our Crushing Iron Facebook page from our coach that simply said, “Totally forgot to mention that Coach is doing this race with you guys. Sorry. Totally slipped my mind.”  Since it was so random I assumed he meant the sprint triathlon we’re doing next Sunday.  Nope.  All of this time, he was holding in a secret.  Coach Robbie will be racing with us at Ironman Wisconsin!robbiebruce_1354578921_28

My head spun a bit, then I had three reactions:

1. This dude can keep a secret!
2. Who will give me guidance and encouragement on the course?
3. I guess I will have to publicly humiliate my own coach

We’ve known all along that he would be in Madison on that fateful day as the Fab 5 scurries through the water in Lake Monona,vfiles9740 but I’d always assumed he’d be stripping my wet suit and dishing out GU.  Registration was full months ago, how could he hold that in?  How will he bounce back from Ironman Louisville and tackle the farmlands of Wisconsin in two weeks?  And I thought Racer K was enigmatic.

I didn’t really expect much coaching while on the course, and, if I don’t know what to do by race day, a Sergeant Carter type scream will do nothing for this lycra clad Gomer Pyle.  Now, I picture his coaching on September 8th will be something along the lines of “Good luck, boys.  I’ll catch you later,” as his shark-like swim techniques leave us in wake of seaweed.

Yes, he will be coming off an Ironman on August 25th and rebounding with another couple weeks of tapering.  Does this make him ripe for picking off?  Highly doubtful, but I know him well enough to know he’s throwing it out there as a challenge and one I will gladly accept.  I’ll take anything that helps push me to my goal, which is . . . well, I’m not quite ready to reveal that one yet, but I don’t expect coach Robbie to lose any sleep.

The bottom line in all of  this is . . . awesomeness.  The more the merrier and I am looking forward to this experience more than ever.  Our +1 Allison will be there as well, but if she surprises us with phantom entry to IMWI, I will be totally shocked.  Say it’s true, Allison!

Our coach’s work will be done.  It’s time for  the players to execute.  I anticipate dozens of people we know along the route and an entire army of cyber based Fab 6 supporters to push us up the hills and down State Street with energy we’ve never experienced.  Good luck, coach.  We’ll be gunning for you.