Armondo’s at it again. Now, he’s trying to convince me to do an all night trail relay. That might be easy for the Red Wolf, but I’m like the Purple Quail in this mix.
So, the route is 5 miles with 4 people. It’s actually only 12 hours, but all night sounds more dangerous. I hear there is a 24 hour run, but . . .
If you remember, this is the same trail that ransacked my IT band in the first place,

but as you know, I am not one to take losing lightly. (Maybe you don’t know that and maybe it’s not even true but these are dramatic points of the story that just need to be inserted for suspense). I have been known to climb jagged rocks to bring supper back to my family (dog) and traverse miles of wicked hot terrain to secure a metal cupful of water.
Yeah, so Armondo’s all like, “We can rest in tents in between laps.”
Dude, it’s working… keep talking.”
“And eat hard boiled eggs in our sleeping bags.”
Wow, man!
“Cornhole, acoustic guitar and lots of bears.”
Well, I’m not quite sold, yet. Three 5 mile trail laps is a tall order for a man fresh off chicken knee syndrome.
I’m gonna kick the tires and see if I can get some more teams involved. It’s lonely on that trail and Purple Quail is afraid of the dark.
Relay races with teammates are so much fun–you should definitely do it!