Triathlon is a Great Way to Save Money

They call it free speed, and as long as you don’t count money as money, they’re right.

I have officially spent more on stuff for my bike than on my bike.  I’m not sure how I feel about that, but after the inaugural spin on my new Flo Cycling wheels, I am not complaining.


What I am complaining about is bike technician prowess.  I’m an absolute buffoon with tools in my hand.  Last night we had a “bike maintenance party” over at Wasky’s and I was like a redneck out of his above ground pool.

I watched in amazement as these guys put on tires, stem extenders, and changed out my rear cassette.  Talk about humbling.  I’m actually thinking about packing a beer in my bike jersey in case I get a flat tire because I will be sitting in the middle of a cornfield with grease all over my hands and a very expensive bike that isn’t moving.

We finally put the wheels on, but they were so wide the brakes were pinching.  I was like, “Okay, what now?”  The guys shook their heads and said it was time to eat.  I casually brought it up after dinner and they confessed they didn’t know how to adjust brakes on a Trek.  Ha!  I knew if even thought about trying, I would end up needing a whole new brake system.

I packed my bike and hoped for a minor miracle, and it happened when The Man’s Man emailed this morning and said he could fit me into his schedule.

Anyway, I’m not much of a reviewer, but I had an “easy ride” tonight as part of my taper for Muncie 70.3 on Saturday and it was very difficult to go slow on these wheels.  Holy F&ck.

The wheels were a total impulse buy because Wasky mistakenly ordered two sets.  When the owner of the company called to make sure he wanted both, Wasky asked for about an hour to see if his friend (ME) wanted a pair.  I certainly didn’t want to spend another thousand bucks (technically just over 900 for the wheels) on my bike, but REALLY wanted to join the race wheel club.  It took me about an hour to say, “Yes.”

I didn’t have my watch on, but five things were quite apparent my first time on Flo Cycling 90’s:

  1. I sounded faster
  2. I moved faster
  3. My legs weren’t working as hard I rolled up small hills more easily
  4. The wind blew me around a little more than normal
  5. They look awesome

The Michelin Pro 4 tires are quite spectacular as well.  They feel very sturdy and smooth.  The bonus of tonight’s ride was an unexpected tire test in the middle of a ferocious downpour..  The tires held their line nicely and there was no problem breaking.

And for good measure, this was also my first ride after a fitting that makes it feel like I’m riding a completely new bike.  It will take some getting used to, but I’m hoping I feel completely solid by mile 50.

In summary, I’m essentially riding a new bike with new wheels and new tires for 56 miles in my first Half Ironman on Saturday.  Jesus, maybe I’ll new swim goggles and shoes while I’m on a roll.