A Great Training Lesson from A Drunk Friend

It’s so tempting to look for external stimulation in this world.  Waiting around for your muse, the perfect time or job, but all of that is an excuse.  How do I know?  I’ve spent half my life doing it.

Signing up for an Ironman has done many things for me, but most importantly, it has forced me to take action.  There’s a big gorilla named Wisconsin sleeping in the corner, and if I don’t whip my ass in shape, he’s gonna have me for breakfast.

I’ll never forget a late night after a Brewer game in Milwaukee.  My friend, Mac (who coaches different sports year round) was in a drunken state of repeating things, but his message was filled with passion and from the purest part of his heart.  His face was turning red and he would not let the night end until his these words were firmly etched in our mushy brains, “It’s not what you say, it’s what you DO!”

He said it over and over to the point where we were all laughed and mocked his over-the-top delivery.  One o’clock in the morning and he was hammering home one of the greatest coaching/life lessons anyone can deliver.

It’s not what you say, it’s what you do.

My friends and I have joked about that line and night for years because of the absurd circumstances, but the message was absolute truth.  A lot of people talk a great game, but not many of us do the work.

It’s not what you say, it’s what you do.

Jump in the water, climb on the bike, tie your running shoes.  Travel, catch up with old friends, plant your garden.  Write the blog, take some pictures, start your own business.

What have you been saying you’ll do for years?