The Beauty of Sore Running Muscles

Last night I ran in my Pearl Izumi Streaks for the first time since Goosepond and it was an eye opener.  Almost instinctively I was on my mid-foot more than I’d been in months.  Felt like I was actually “running” again.

It was a 7.5 mile run and by mile 5 my calves were burning!  I threw in a couple tempo-sections and had more natural speed . . . not to mention a general feeling of explosiveness and love in my stride.

I haven’t felt that kind of calf stimulation since I started endurance running.  It’s not a “bad” sore, but clearly one of those good workout feelings you get when you’re actually working your muscles.  I’ve been routinely running 5-11 miles for the last several months and not once did I have this pulsating burn in my calves.

The Streaks are more of a shorter distance shoe with less padding and “rise.”  I have been training in the Pearl Izumi N1’s and for some reason they’ve always felt like a padded boat.  It didn’t “hurt” as much, but I never felt that light/explosive feeling I get from my Streaks.

The only reasoning I have for this muscle soreness is that I was running more naturally . . . aka like I should.  I have a weird feeling I was trouncing along passively in my N1s and not with form you need to get faster.  More of a jogger than a runner.  So this is good news and makes me optimistic about Rev 3 Knoxville.

I’m excited to be back with my bread and butter, but the bad news is, Pearl doesn’t make this model anymore.  So, if you have some old Streaks in your closet or know about a backroom stash somewhere at the Pearl Izumi headquarters, please get in touch.

Long Live The Streak!!  51pdVttfxIL._SX395_She’s a beauty!!