So My Buddy Said . . . #IMLOU

Something happened to me yesterday and my buddy, C*, noticed.  We’re texting back and forth and I’m all engaged about the races we have scheduled and he simply said, “You are on a roll today, Mike**.  Welcome back.”

First of all, I was glad he noticed.  Secondly, he is sort of right.

Things I did yesterday that seem to be pointing in the right direction:

1.  Renewed my USAT card2.  Signed up for REV3 Knoxville
3.  Booked a hotel for REV3
4.  Booked a hotel for Chattanooga (this was actually Wednesday and for spectating IMCHATT, but still)
5.  Changed my Facebook header to a scene from IM Louisville.
6.  Thought seriously about signing up for the Chattanooga Waterfront Tri.
7.  Thought about signing up for the ADPI sprint in Murfreesboro.

I should have pulled the trigger on #IMLOU.  I don’t know what I’m waiting for, but something is telling me to wait.  Maybe it’s because I’ve dropped 500 bucks in two days and don’t even have a kit to wear this season.

Since yesterday, there is now a total of 6 people I know, J, C,***, W, M, K, and me, are all signed up for Rev 3 Knoxville.  Last year it was a beast and I’m hoping the weather is even rougher this time because it really made me tough.  But obviously not tough enough to sign up for Louisville . . . yet.

* A lot of weirdos have been sniffing around my blog lately, so I’m protecting the names of my friends.

** I’m not hiding, however.

*** Not the real JC, but technically they are related.

The Last Minute Push to Finish

At Mile 5.5, my coach ran out from the sidelines and encouraged me to suck it up for a chance at the podium.  He was tracking me and by his estimation, third place was a possibility.  Problem was, there wasn’t much left in the tank. 

A guy from my age group passed me about a mile earlier and he was long gone.  All I had left was to stay in front of all comers.  But about point 4 miles from the finish line, I heard footsteps.  I didn’t even have time to glance before he was right next to me.  Then in front.  I looked at his calf, and sure enough, he was from my age group.  I couldn’t let him beat me. 

I stayed on his tail and with point two miles left, channeled my Monogetti run training and darted past him.  We came down under the bridge, before jumping onto the lawn for the 60 yard finish chute.  I thought I had a comfortable lead, but about 15 yards from the finish, he blew by me! 


As you can see by the look on my face, I was toast.  The grass was slick and there wasn’t enough real estate to catch him.  He finished one second ahead of me, and as I crossed the finish line on his tail, I started to slide and grabbed him to stop from falling.  I nearly knocked down everyone in the path, including volunteers, but somehow stayed on my feet.  I stood tall, gave him a menacing stare, then glanced at his calf again.  He wasn’t in my age group after all. 

Here’s a closer view so you can see the pain and rain.Image

This Is Absurd

I knew there was a chance of rain for this Sunday’s Rev 3 Triathlon in Knoxville, but 100% is a little ridiculous. To make matters worse, the other guys I’m training with (who are not going) have been making weekend party plans all day!

I got absolutely drenched last weekend in the Country Music Marathon.  My first tri of the year was soaked and freezing.  Now this.  But, I’m looking forward to the challenge and a test of will that can only help me in the long run, right?  Heading out at 7 in the morning.
