Ironman Wisconsin Run Course Thoughts #IMWI

I was looking at the “search terms” people used to find my blog and one was “Ironman Wisconsin Run Course Tips,” so I thought I’d weigh in with a few “non scientific” thoughts.  I’m gonna do it by “feel” and a sketchy memory, so don’t take it too seriously.

It’s a 13.1 mile loop that starts with a short and slow climb from the top floor of the awesome Helix transition.  You go straight at, then around the majestic capitol, before tearing down State Street where “I Run for the Party” has real meaning.

My advice here is watch your speed. There are TONS of people cheering, and it’s mostly downhill, so it’s easy to get caught up in the moment.  Thankfully my legs didn’t bend the first two miles so I didn’t have a choice.

When you leave State Street it flattens out for a while and you head toward one of the coolest college football stadiums in the country.  I feel like it’s a little over 2 miles before you meet Camp Randall, home of the Badgers, and a short little staircase climb that caught the attention of my calves.  Then you descend onto the football field, and while I am arguably the  number one fan Badger fan living in SEC country, I didn’t really feel much like looking around.  What I liked most was the soft turf surface that gives your knees temporary reprieve.

After you emerge from the stadium, you hit a small downhill then flat section that eventually  takes you under a bridge for a short “out and back” which I hated.  I loathe out and backs for some reason, and even though this was only a few hundred yards it got in my head a little.

Then it’s back into “somewhere” before you are dumped onto a trail that rolls between a bunch of University buildings along the lake.  It’s kinda cool because there are students milling about and most of them look at you like you’ve been working out for over 8 hours.

Then it’s time for first of two substantial (by Ironman standards) hills.  There’s and aid station at the bottom and I highly suggest you regroup before the climb.  A ton of people walk these hills and I did for a short spell on the second loop, but they are not awful unless you are from Florida, and in that case, I recommend quitting.

After that, you wind to the right and close in on your second taste of State Street where people are five deep and scream some of the happiest sounds you’ll ever hear.  In retrospect, this is probably where I felt the best on the entire run.  It’s right around mile 6 and I suggest soaking it in.  You’re about halfway into the loop and it’s loaded with electricity, which is good because the worst part of the run awaits.

When you hit the trail again you have a 10k left in your loop.  It’s nice and shaded for a while, but when you leave the dirt path it turns into blacktop and the bikeway takes you out a mile before you turn around to come back.  It’s desolate and I really started hallucinating on this section.  It’s a two mile trek that seems like it will never end and the one section I wanted to walk most.

After that, you have about 3.5 miles before paydirt (or the painful turn around).  Slowly but surely spectators come back into your life and you will need their support.  The support, by the way, is excellent.  Aid stations are loaded like a buffet and on my second loop I hit the chicken broth hard on that turnaround.

You wind back past the stadium (and go down the little flight of stairs, which is painful in a different way) then back through the neighborhoods before hitting your last little climb up State Street.  The party is rockin’ now and the hill is not an issue.  At the top you stare at the massive capitol, turn left for a block, right for another, then right for a half block before turning left to finish.

The finishing part is great, but if this is the end of your first loop be prepared for a major mind f&ck.  They lead you well into the Finisher’s Chute before sending you back out to battle.  All you can really do is laugh.

Ironman Wisconsin was my only marathon to date, and I am pretty sure it will always be one of my favorite courses.  It’s challenging but not unfair.  It’s urban with a great taste of wilderness.  And you get to see some of the finer sections of one of the greatest cities there is, Madison, Wisconsin.

Ironman Louisville . . . tick . . . tick . . . tick

I remember Louisville 2012 like it was yesterday.  My first peek behind the Ironman curtain. 

Jim and I walked in street clothes along side thousands of hopefuls, all dressed in skin tight suits, ready to throw it on the line.  We stopped next to Kevin and offered awkward verbal support, but I’m pretty sure just being there was enough.

It was before sunrise and most athletes stared into the darkness contemplating their race.  A massive grouping of men and woman, yet each stood alone.  Words were no longer important, it was simply time to show the work.  Louisville swimmIn a nutshell, I am pumped for Ironman Louisville.  I have three good friends racing and know the experience will blow me through the roof for Wisconsin.  Last year was my first Ironman experience, this time I will be spectating from a completely different perspective.

Being in the same training trench with these guys for 6 months builds something that can’t be taken away.  Whether it’s a grueling 110 mile ride in the rain or a slew of 6 am open water swims, the connection runs deep.

1004776_477533792337432_2080323831_nIt starts with Robbie Bruce, who I met at Calypso Cafe last Fall where he agreed to be my coach for Ironman Wisconsin.  I think he must have a sixth sense because taking me on as an endurance athlete seemed a stretch but he obviously knew something I didn’t.  He has pushed, pulled, and backed away at the perfect times.  I’ve done the work, but his style and insight has been the perfect combination to take me from the couch to an Ironman.  Make no mistake, he’s done the work as well, and now I will be on the other side as coach unleashes the athlete.

It continues with John Wasky, who I met on a random Sunday Fun Day at 3 Crow Bar.  Wasky shares many characteristics with me including bleeding Badger red and the ability to seemwaskyshades completely focused and scattered at once.  His biggest challenge at Louisville will be pulling in the reigns.  Wasky knocked out a 5:06 at Muncie 70.3 and he’s just warming up.

I told him he’s so pumped for Louisville he could likely swim halfway up the channel under water after diving off the pier.  His answer, “You might be right.”

Wasky was the great addition to our group.  He’s always willing to have a good time, but can instantly flip a switch and push our level of effort.

980328_10101392194078830_1194338109_oI just had a text conversation with them both and Robbie posted a screen shot of his bike and run times from last year at Louisville.  To say it grates his ass is an understatement.  He came out of the water 64th in the field, then fell apart halfway through the bike.  He battled to finish the run, but Louisville is a painful memory.

I asked Robbie if he was pumped to go back this year and this is what he said:

Robbie: I was more pumped last year.  This year, I’m just focused.  Last year I attacked it like the Godfather with a Tommy gun.  This year . . . like an Army Ranger sniper.

I pointed up at this as if to say it was a good lesson for Wasky, who replied,

Wasky:  That’s the hope.

Robbie:  Don’t hope.

Just great shit there.

247073_10151667354734973_1102075928_nCorey Coggins and I connected at Rev 3 in Knoxville.  He was tackling his first half Iron distance and I was feeling his pain.  The day was miserable.  56 degrees and rain the entire day.  I had the Olympic in front of me, but Corey would still be on the course as I made my trek back to Nashville.  And the whole ride I was checking for his splits and genuinely fired up when he finished.  That’s the connection that can be made when you share conditions like that day at Rev 3.  He spent over 6 hours in brutal weather chasing the finish line and it was a big moment for both of us.

A month or so later he made the decision to do Louisville and has been a mainstay at our open water swims.  We’ve gotten a lot closer and Saturday he was rolling with me for most of that 110 miles in the pouring rain.  Somewhere around mile 90 I was thinking it reminded me of Rev 3, and, about that same time, Corey said what I was thinking.

Last year Louisville was my awakening, this year will be more like confirmation.  Training for and putting your hat into Ironman is a game changer and now I know what it really takes.

Months of training will funnel three good friends into the Ohio River for the test of a lifetime.  They will take hot seat while I sit and watch, hoping my presence will somehow make a difference.