3 New Workouts (Swim,Bike, Run)

Here are three new workouts for you.  They are also listed with others under the “Workout” tab.  Enjoy.

SWIM – Oly Race Pace

3 x 200 as odds swim, evens single arm, 10 rest

Main set:
3 x 200 high tempo with paddles and t-shirt. 20 rest
6 x 100 oly race pace, 10 rest
12 x 50 as odds fists, evens sprint. 15 rest

2 rounds.

200 Warm Down

BIKE – Stand/Sit

Warm Up:
5 mins
5 x 20 sec sprints, 40 secs easy. In tough gear.

Main set:

hills or tough resistance
5 x 1 min at 45rpms all out, 30 secs easy in between each one.
5 mins easy

6 rounds. Odd rounds seated, evens standing.

2 x 4 min steady at cadence of choice

Rest of ride easy.

RUN – 10K Pace Repeats 

10 mins Warm Up

Main set:
10 x 30 sec steep hill bounds. Get height and distance per stride and maximum muscle loading.

Jog back each time.

2 x 1/2 mile repeats at 10k pace on flat. 2 mins easy in between each one.

2 rounds.
Cool down to make 1:30


Creative Workouts For Triathlon

Our coaching staff is continually thinking about ways to make training more effective and enjoyable, so Crushing Iron will now be adding creative workout ideas if you feel like breaking up the monotony.  We only have a couple now, but hope to add one or two a week for each discipline.  They can be found under the “Workouts” tab at the top and broken out by sport.  Here’s an example for the pool:

Band On The Swim

Warm Up
200 easy cruise
100 kick with board hard

Main set:
400 pull/paddles high tempo
3 x 100 BAND around ankles
200 t-shirt swim AND clenched fists high tempo

: 45 rest throughout

2 rounds – Beginner swimmer
3- rounds- intermediate swimmer
4 rounds total – advanced swimmer

200 Warm Down


Possibly The Most Important Part of My Training

I had to make a quick note about this, because at my age the only way i remember anything is to write it out.

This is the simplest thing, and we have all known it forever, but unbelievably, I forget it every day.

It’s important to eat. 

Now, that is the most obvious statement in the history of mankind, but it’s often tricky because we are fooled by our reserves.  Or, at least I am.

Some mornings I will get up, start running, and feel great.  I’ll eat like a pig afterwards, take a nap, and wake up fresh.  But, some mornings I am running on empty before I start.  Like today.  I had been grazing this building in a state of malaise and confusion.  Then I went to lunch and I’m a different person.  I mean that literally.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

I have probably heard or thought that 10 thousand times in my life and I either, don’t remember it, or forget the reason WHY it is the most important meal of the day.

And why is that?  Because breakfast stabilizes your body chemistry. 

I know this!  I believe this!  But there is one problem.  It’s not the best feeling to eat a big meal then workout, which means . . . I have to get up even earlier if I’m going to put this practice to work.

At the very least I just need to eat.  If even just for my sanity.  I’m telling you, there is something pretty cool about feeling comfortable in your own skin.