Crushing Iron Podcast #370

This title comes from two things: The strategy behind days off and cherishing the ability to do what you do before you can’t anymore. How good perspective can minimize stress and increase enjoyability. There’s also TONS of cycling talk, including power, cadence and riding against the wind, and how to taper/prepare for two races that might wind up close together. Toward the end we discuss an awesome post from an athlete who described his “when” as his why. How being grateful for what you are able to do can be a genuine motivator to enjoy the possibilities of each day.
- The power of flexibility
- Being comfortable if things don’t work out on time
- Doing things the right way instead of having to do it
- Minimizing current stress and minimize future stress
- Riding into the wind
- Cadence talk on the bike
- Finding your most powerful pedal stroke
- Pedal stroke explained
- Single Leg drills
- How dead spots add up
- Knowing your limitations
- Run cadence and load
- Mastering effort between the zones
- High turn over in the swim
- Managing watts into and against the wind
- Race spacing – How much time do you need between
- The longer the taper . . . the . . .
- Races are a HUGE stimulus boost
- Fitness bumps from races
- “My when is my why” – Patrick Gill
- Do your days off really make sense??
- You can’t get time back
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