11 Days Until Ironman Wisconsin


– By Mike Tarrolly – Co-host of the Crushing Iron Podcast

Eleven days doesn’t sound like much and it’s getting harder and harder to keep the mind off Ironman Wisconsin. I’ve described it as the Elephant in the Room . . . eventually, she must be addressed.

We’ve talked about it a lot on the podcast, especially recently, but if you’re swim and bike fitness aren’t in a good place, it doesn’t really matter how much you’ve ran. I’ve always known and preached this, but since swim and bike are fairly intensive from a time perspective, it’s tougher to get in the mode.

Running is . . . shoes on, out the door. Pool is drive, shower, hope a lane is open . . . Bike is bottles, shoes, routes, trainer set up, nutrition, etc… Thankfully I have created a fairly flexible lifestyle.

Hot And Cold

This is the first Ironman I’ve trained for where I’ve truly swam multiple volume sessions. I found a great pool about 10 minutes away and it’s always open. They also have a hot sauna, which has been my staple after most swims.

I usually swim for about an hour. Then hit the sauna for 15-20 minutes and sweat all the chorine out. The thermometer says 210, and I’m sure it’s not that hot, but it’s definitely on point.

I lay in there and do some easy mid/lower back stretches then just sit on the high bench and drip. Followed by an immediate cold shower.

I used to do this routine at the YMCA in Nashville, which was truly a perfect set up because the shower was right out the door. I’d sit for 20 minutes, sweat it out, then hit a 3 minute ice cold shower. Then go back for 20 and another cold shower. Nearly an hour of hot/cold therapy alone.

Lots of people talk about the benefits of this and I don’t have any concrete evidence myself, but I swear when I did those long sessions I could actually see better on my drive home. The contraction and opening of the muscles is the trick and it works internal organs what we can always exercise. Maybe, even the eyes.

Wisconsin Swim

Wisconsin has always been a tough swim for me and I’ve usually prepared a little more for the chop, the congestion, and the tough sighting. That was always the one big counter -clockwise loop. Now, it’s two that go clockwise and I’m hoping that will work better for me since I only site to the right.

On most Wisconsin swims I’ve been gassed about halfway through. I’ve really had to work way too hard, so this time I wanted to build some better strength. Other than the distance I’ve noticed something happening in my brain. It’s seemed to make me more resilient.

When you’re doing 4,000 yards in 2-500 intervals with short rest, you start building habits of sucking it up and getting back in there. Although I’m not planning many or any breaks in the Wisconsin swim I do know there is a little voice that constantly tells you to take a little rest. Sometimes this can be okay to regroup, but the continual “back at it” mentality is huge in an Ironman.

I’ve also been focusing on my race effort a lot. What can I hold? I have a mantra I use to repeat over and over along with my strokes. It’s something that helps put me in the moment and just swim. It also helps with relaxation and it seems like my body, reach and stroke have more flexibility.

Staying Healthy

I think it was my 18th birthday when my sister gave me a book called “The Vitamin Bible.” I was already into holistic stuff at that point and generally have NOT taken prescription drugs most of my life. There’s definitely a time for it, but I always like the idea of giving my body the chance to heal itself.

I’m honestly kind of a crappy eater. I had pizza again last night after my bike. I can tell it bogs me down and messes things up a little, but it also seems to give me a steady base to work from for recover and the energy I need.

So to supplement a diet that tests my body daily, I’ll do things like:

  • Shots of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Sea Salt
  • Tons of water
  • Deep Breathing
  • Cold Showers/Sauna
  • Select Vitamins
  • Visualizing

Apple Cider Vinegar

I truly believe most health issues stem from too much inflammation and, in my mind, Apple Cider Vinegar helps with this and many other things. It’s said to promote an alkalizing environment in your body and with my diet that’s exactly the ticket.

It’s all about balancing pH levels and I know that I run acidic in general, so anything I can do to bring things back to baseline is important. I realize that many of the searches on Google will point to “no evidence” or whatever, but after years of using it I believe it works and that’s 90% of the battle.

Sea Salt

At some point I learned that “wars have been fought over salt,” and that’s all I needed to hear. That’s when I found the book “You’re Not Sick You’re Thirsty” and I have been captivated ever since.

Now many scientists will call this guy a quack, too, but what he talks about makes so much sense to me. Plus, there’s not a lot of money in healing by water and salt.

Essentially salt mixed with water creates the electricity in your body. In the right proportion is also keeps you properly hydrated. And, the body is a remarkable machine that knows how to ration water in the right way to protect vital organs.

At all costs the body protects the heart and brain, so if you’re dehydrated it will pull from other parts of the body when needed. This is all at the cellular level, so if cells in your knee or ankle or kidney or stomach aren’t functioning correctly, he argues it’s because they don’t have the proper electricity due to dehydration.

I really believe most of the world is chronically dehydrated and it’s something triathletes should really pay attention to with all the work we put in.

Tons of Water

I honestly may overdo water, but I like to err on that side vs. being dehydrated. Coupled with the salt, I try to mainly consume water as my liquid of choice. The second choice is coffee and I definitely drink too much. So, one of the draw backs is a ton of trips to the bathroom.

The worst part of bathroom trips is when you’re trying to sleep. I was listening to Tom Bilyeu’s podcast on Sleep and he says he stops drinking liquid (and eating) around mid afternoon so he can let his body get a better sleep.

That seems a little extreme, but I’m working on not drinking as much before bed. Obviously late workouts can be a problem here.

Deep Breathing

About 5 years ago I was having a really bad day in Nashville when I laid down for bed. I turned on the Rogan podcast and he was interview a crazy man named Wim Hof. It completely gave me a different energy about life.

He was talking about his breathing method coupled with cold exposure. Sort of like the salt discovery, everything Wim was saying made total sense in my gut.

Go TO the cold. Oxygenate the body. Exercise your organs through contraction. Pump blood. Be healthier.

I dove into his breathing method that same night and started cold showers the next day.

While I don’t take a ton of cold showers I try to routinely do a cycle or two of his breathing daily. And if I ever feel like I might be getting sick I go in HARD with the breathing. I’ll do it for an hour at the slightest sign of a symptom.

I also do it when I’m in a bad mood or just need energy. It’s pretty remarkable.

Select Vitamins

I used to take a ton of vitamins, but lately it’s been trimmed down to a Multivitamin, D, E, and Zinc. Again, I’m not sure if there is truly benefits to doing this, but after many personal trials, it seems right to me.

I am also, like many people, prone to short depressed times. I am all about body chemistry and think that something must just be off. The breathing and showers help this, but I also try to stay steady with a product called, Spiru tein Chocolate shakes. I’m quite sure it’s not the recommendation of high end athletes, but I take it for my mood.

There have been many times I’ve totally forgot about it and after getting kind of depressed, went back in and without much fanfare I’ve been lifted to a better place. I usually only do one of these a day and that seems like enough.


People always laugh at me when they say they have a niggle or a slight injury and I give this advice: “Don’t think about it.”

It sounds whacky but I genuinely believe we overthink shit, including injuries. I’ve done it many times. It’s almost like you just have to surrender to the body’s ability to fix itself instead of piling on ointments and/or wraps or tape or whatever.

Not obviously I’m not talking real injuries. Just the ones that get into your head. I’ve had them all and worked feverishly to “force them fixed” and it never works. Usually it’s rest, finding balance . . . and not overthinking.

I’ve been trying something new this time around for Ironman. I can literally feel like a million buck after a workout before bed, but in the morning is when the pain can stab you.

Now, when I wake up in the morning I say to myself, “My body feels great and strong.” Instead of limping into my day, I get up with confidence and just move normally. I’m trying to rewire my thinking process and not focus on stupid little things that go away.

I also try things WHILE I’m working out. If my left knee is a little janky, I will try to run in a way that gives it some relief. I just really listen and try to move the pain around. Balance things out on the fly versus plowing through something and making it worse.

So, I just keep moving forward. I try to do the little things (especially when I don’t want to) and slide that balance closer to the center. There’s a philosophy out there called “The Middle Way” and that is probably the best thing any of us can do in Ironman training. Not too much, not too little. Just enough for the moment.

[email protected]

14 Days Until Ironman Wisconsin



The other night I went out for pizza with my buddy from Rockford, Illinois (more on Rockford later). He runs a local triathlon club and was telling me about the time Andrew Starykowicz (Starky) came to speak to his group.

Starky was coming off his bike accident and returning to be one of the strongest cyclists in Ironman. His blistering paces are legendary and he gave a talk to the tri club about some of the things he was going through to build everything back to form.

After the speech, one of the athletes stood up and said, “Thank you so much for sharing your story, but I was really hoping you’d give us some tips on how to increase speed on the bike.”

According to my friend, Starky looked directly at the guy for an uncomfortable amount of time before saying, “You want more speed on the bike? . . . . Pedal faster.”

As a triathlon athlete and coach, these are the kinds of things I think about all the time. We try to complicate everything and find quick fixes to get on the podium, but there are simple truths in this world and pedal faster is one of them.

The other part of this is, if you are strong enough to move a bigger gear at the same cadence you will also go faster. This is the reasoning behind our “gear up” training. I think most athletes would benefit from pushing themselves harder on the bike.

The same holds for swimming and running. If you are strong enough to catch and pull more water with the same turnover, you will swim faster. If your run cadence is the same but you’re strong enough to cover more ground with your stride, you will run faster.


Other than some mountain bike rides, and a couple of trips to Verona to ride the course, I’ve been mainly committed to riding the trainer this time around. I feel pretty good about it, but let me tell you, there isn’t much worse than seeing “4 Hour Endurance Ride” when you will be sitting in the garage, not going anywhere on your bike.

I’ve gotten pretty good at getting to the 45 minute mark without looking at my watch. Yesterday, I put on Boston for the first hour and as much as I loved their music back in the day, it really started to drag.

At the one hour mark I switched to a Tom Bilyeu podcast with Jaspreet Singh about how to make money in a recession. This lasted about 35 minutes before I went back to my bread and butter, The Pimps (formerly known as the Goodyear Pimps).

The Pimps from Rockford Illinois


The Pimps are from Rockford, Illinois and when I moved back to that fine city, I stopped by my friend’s music studio to say hi. As I left he handed me a Good Year Pimps CD (Yes, they were eventually handed a cease and desist from GoodYear) and said he’d just finished recording it. I put it into my CD player as I drove away. I was home in 10 minutes but sat in the car for over an hour listening to “To a Cool Person Stay that Way” twice. The dynamics, lyrics and energy blew me away.

Shortly after that release they signed with Hollywood records and went on tour with Insane Clown Posse. Their deal was for two records (To a Cool Person was the first) and the next year they showed up in Hollywood with their second record, “More songs about drugs with curse words,” completely finished. The catch was, the label wanted to record it in Los Angeles. The Pimps basically said no need, it’s done. They were released from their deal and went back to touring the midwest.

I fell in love with this band and they still have me by the balls. Their music is an absolute staple for my trainer rides. But even the glorious Pimps weren’t cutting it as I approached 2:30 on my 4 Hour Endurance Ride.


I turned my energy inward to the mantra that’s been carrying me through Ironman training this time.

You don’t quit.

But, let me tell you, I was ready to quit.

2:31 – I turned the music off and focused on breath for what seemed like 5 minutes.

The clock read 2:32.

You know the feeling. Time almost stands still on a trainer at times.

At 2:33 I found a 2PAC song that always gets me in a groove.

Looked at watch. 2:34.

I visualized the course, I watched an entire MDA Telethon. I ate, drank, phoned a friend and powered my way onward. After all of this . . . it was 2:51.

Okay . . . just get to 3 hours and then you can get back on the bike later and pound our one more hour. Or even better yet, ride TOMORROW for an hour and make your long run a brick!

My brain was working overtime for solutions. Fair solutions that would be in the integrity of the training. But I kept thinking about “You don’t quit” and remembered what Starky said, “Pedal Faster.”


When I somehow got to 3 hours, I said “F*ck it” and started hammering one minute big gear intervals. One minute on in the hardest gear (standing for the first 30 seconds). Then I’d go easy gear at 110 cadence for a minute. Then back to big gear. Then an easy minute recovery. REPEAT.

And I did this for the next 45 minutes before taking my bike off the trainer and cooling down on the road for 15 minutes.

I felt great!

How could I feel like shit only an hour earlier? The mysteries of this sport for sure, but it’s such a good lesson.

When you’re racing . . . never believe how you feel, because it will change.

I went through a thousand different emotions on that bike yesterday, but kept asking myself, “This is how it will feel in the race, how will you get through it?”

My conclusion is, I will get through it by waking up my mind to my body. This may be neuroscience in some way, but it’s definitely not Rocket Science.

[email protected]

17 Days Until Ironman Wisconsin

Some Real Talk About Racing

Hey everyone…

The Fall is a busy time for racing, and most of them become A-Races for athletes. It always seems like the hysteria meter is about to blow, so I wanted to ramble about a lot of things I hear and how I think about doing Ironman.

Ninety percent of all issues right now are steeped in self-doubt, and of course I believe confidence is the most important thing in successful racing, so here’s what’s on my mind 17 days out from Ironman Wisconsin.


Some of you have been here before and know what it feels like at this time of the year. This is your reminder that everything will be fine. We’d all like to train “perfectly” but nobody does that, nor does anyone know exactly what that means. 

Training is about pulling the best out of yourself on any given day. It’s about practicing ways to get through things when you’re not feeling 100%. It’s about recognizing that you have been doing a LOT of work, so sometimes the body will feel tired. It doesn’t mean that your race is going to suck.

Racing Ironman (70.3’s included) is a bit of a complicated formula, but I’m here to say (especially if your training is respectable) that most of it is in your mind. 

Work on getting negative thoughts out of there. Practice thinking positive and build your confidence. KNOW that you’re going to execute to the best of your ability. Don’t obsess about times. Obsess about understanding how you will adjust and dial in your pace. Obsess about figuring out how to dig deep on the race course. 

Your race won’t be easy. It just won’t. I don’t care how long or how hard you’ve trained, it’s all relative and races are hard. If they’re not hard you didn’t give your all. 

I’m sure some people think I’m “out there” talking about all this mental stuff, but I truly think it is the key to racing well. Believing in yourself and understanding how much you can give at any point in the race. 

There will be ups and downs. How will you get through the rough patches? Will you give in and say you didn’t have it? Or will you regroup and get back after it. 

Throughout training we always have recovery weeks, but we also have them within swim, bike and run sessions. Why? Because they work. How are you going to recover within your race if you’re feeling overwhelmed? Figure it out now. 

I talk a lot about hitting the integrity of the workout vs. worrying about some 3 or 4 minute instruction in the beginning. Are you concentrating on that, or being strong at the end of a 500 yard swim interval? Are you ramping up your bike or run interval so you can finish strong? Are you easing back a little when you feel a tweak in your knee or are you pushing it harder and aggravating things? 

Show yourself some love. If you’re working crazy hours or dealing with personal issues or not sleeping. Respect those things and figure them out first. A good night’s sleep can solve a lot of problems. It’s also better for your body than any workout you will ever be. Do what you need to be healthy. 

There are occasions when athletes fall off the radar then come back with a limited time before a race. In those instances we have to get creative and do the best we can. If you’re hitting most of your workouts and genuinely giving good effort, you are in good shape for your race. 

Did I mention the race will be painful?

Yes, I did. But I want to remind you of that. How are you going to get through it? I won’t be there to read motivational speeches on the course. I wouldn’t do that anyway. This isn’t your career. You are out here to have fun and challenge yourself. It’s up to you to figure your way out of these things. And training should be giving you many good opportunities to practice that. 

Feeling good is the best solution for good racing. The rest is all about the mind. 

It’s okay to have a goal, but I suggest having an A, B, and C goal so you don’t throw out the race if you can’t hit your A-Goal. Many people have blown up chasing something that wasn’t realistic, but if you can regroup ON COURSE and slide into your B goal, you will most likely be happy with the result. 

For example: I’ve had A goals that were sunk in the swim. It would have taken a literal miracle to hit them, but I shifted perspective on the fly and snuggled into my B goal and everything was fine. I was a bit bummed but generally very happy because I didn’t give up and throw in the towel. For the record, this happens in most races. 

For now, set the goal of executing the best you can based on your level of fitness. Don’t be unrealistic, but also don’t fudge the race if you’re feeling better than you thought you would. It’s like the weather. If you don’t like how you feel right now, wait about 20 minutes because it will change. 

We all have doubts and questions, but it’s our job to lessen their impact on our minds. There’s nothing worse than doubt going into your race. Respect for the course and the challenge, yes, but doubt, no. Know that you will give it your best and it won’t be perfect. It likely won’t even be how you planned it. You can’t be rigid and you can’t expect everything to go your way. Ironman is indeed a metaphor for life. How will you live it to the best of your ability?

[email protected]

18 Days Until Ironman Wisconsin


This is my last big week before Ironman and I am full of moods. Some positive, some negative, but the sling shot effect of them all is daunting. It’s nothing new, but we always forget.

This shit can be intense and when you’re this close to the race, Ironman starts taking precedent over, well, life. I’m not saying it’s a good thing, but it’s kind of reality.

Twice this week I have gotten really close to blowing off workouts based on fatigue. Monday, after a big swim in the morning, I just couldn’t find the energy for a 45 minute run. Took a nap and wound up pulling it together a night run at 8 pm. Yesterday I had all day to ride a 1:30, but didn’t start until after 6. Both felt good, but it’s starting to mess with my sleep.

Not tired/exhausted, happy/angsty, indifferent/determined. These things can all happen on the flip of the coin this close to the race. Oh, and then daily responsibilities don’t stop peaking at you from behind the curtain just because you’re training for Ironman.

It’s a double edged sword, but (when I’m in the right state of mind) the difficulty of figuring out this puzzle is one reason I really like it.


In my typical yearly announcement, I told a friend yesterday (non-triathlete) that this might be my last Ironman. He quickly answered, “Yeah, but do you think you’d be doing training and feeling this good if you didn’t have a race to train for?” He was right again.

I really do love how training makes me feel physically, but the mental strife and having more energy to do the other stuff is really challenging. I have finally convinced my mom that our yard work plans will have to wait until after Ironman, or taper.

I think in some way all of this helps me stay level headed. There’s just so many things coming at me these days, especially on the coaching side, that I have to remain calm and live in the moment. Ironman training can enhance moods to a place where you feel like you’re neglecting EVERYTHING.

But you can’t be everything to everyone so it’s good to realize that life is hard and sometimes we have to roll with it . . . and have faith.


I’ve talked about Ironman training as breaking up the rocks and it is still true. I feel very vulnerable but also have a deeper since of gratitude late in training. The broken rocks allow for more emotional space. That can be good and bad. The key is to acknowledge the thoughts/emotions and let them go without over-reacting.

I’m getting better at this process but it’s still tough.

I feel the same way about meditation. At first it feels great and light. You come out of it more relaxed and chill. But after a while, those thoughts start coming up . . . Those memories that you’ve tried to bury. The pain you’ve felt and want to go away. It all comes back.

There is magic in accepting that we’re doing the best we can. Sort of taking the edges off our own criticism.


“You wouldn’t worry so much about what other people think of you if you realized how little they do.”

Not sure who said that, but it’s another of my favorite quotes. We get so caught up thinking that others are judging us, but 99% of the time people are caught up in their own issues and struggles. It’s just a fact.

Now that we have email and social media, it’s so much easier for people to pour their shit directly into your inbox. This never was a thing, but now it’s a constant onslaught of things that remind you “you’re not good enough.”

All the goals, the hopes, the dreams of Ironman. I can’t help but put pressure on myself and feel like how well I do matters to others. I think we all feel that, but why? It’s a fucking unbelievable accomplishment that needs no time explanation.

Was talking with my neighbor the other day and he was simply in awe of the event and distance. “So, how long does that take you, 3 days?”

I could have said any amount of time and he would have been blown away. But in our circles, we always want to tie ourselves to a time. It’s our validation.


Coach Robbie said something on the podcast yesterday that I loved, “I hope to execute to the level of my fitness.” I think that’s a really good way to think about it. I mean, we all want to deliver our best effort, but it’s easy to deceive even ourselves into believing we are fitter than we are based on a few random workouts.

So, with all the mood swings, with all the pressures, I sit here today on the patio trying to embrace the beauty in attempting something that most people wouldn’t do. I’m soaking in the notion that I am fitter than most people 30 years younger than me. I’m feeling a little pride in knowing that I realize life is tough and I’m not giving in by sitting on the couch and numbing the pain. I’m realizing that I’m not perfect and embracing that as a normal thing without judgement. I’m thinking about the power of compassion.

Yes, 18 days until Ironman Wisconsin, but more like 15 days until I’m around a bunch of people I love and who went through the same emotional roller coaster ride as me. I can’t wait, but I will embrace the process until that day. The highs, the lows, the doubt, the confidence, the possibilities. All the moods are part of the journey. I’ll acknowledge them, and let them drift away.

[email protected]

24 Days Until Ironman Wisconsin


I’m amazed at the things we can do during training. When I’m not racing I almost feel bad putting in long and hard workouts for other people. It doesn’t seem like reality. But when I’m in it, I realize first hand, the power of the body and the mind.


Yesterday was a little rough. I had a 1:30 run along with a 2k swim and was really wiped by the end. But I think I’ve boiled it down to too much coffee in the morning.

I’m all about hydration, and sometimes I get a little crazy about it because it keeps me up a lot of nights going to the bathroom. Then I’ll wake up from a restless sleep and hit more coffee. Vicious cycle that you can get away with sometimes, but not always.

I was listening to a podcast the other day with Shawn Stevenson who wrote Sleep Smarter and he made a wild claim. “Sleep does more for your health than exercise or nutrition.

My gut agrees with him and while not a great sleeper, I take it very seriously. Back in my corporate news days I walked into a morning meeting once and openly stated that I overslept. My co-workers were livid, but my boss said, “Hey, what can you do, he overslept?”

Corporate life is VERY serious for some reason and I just never felt the allegiance to a company over my own health. I just think it’s weird when people knowingly sacrifice the most important thing in their lives for the collective goal of making unknown stockholders a lot of money.


Anyway, after the swim, I hit a sauna and a cold shower and felt much better. I also drank a shit-ton of water. I have been neglecting my fueling a little bit during training, but it’s been on purpose. I’m trying to teach my body to burn more fat and not overloading with sugar. It’s been sort of a governor on my effort. The trouble comes when I go too hard, which I did yesterday.

I didn’t go super hard, but just a little too hard and I paid the price.

I took a quick nap and got to bed early. I’ve shifted my training priority to getting to sleep and waking up earlier. That’s going pretty well and the next step is to get more morning workouts.


Today, I’m looking at a 2 hour bike, which I’ll likely do on the trainer. Cycling without routes sucks and I just haven’t had the urge to find them around here. I also love what the trainer is doing for my fitness. There’s something about “not stopping” that makes me feel like I’m getting a better workout.

You ever wake up and say, “This is the last thing I want to do right now” then start the process and it feels great? That is the biggest mystery to me. It’s like getting out of bed. It’s all about the transition of getting out from under the covers. Then you’re in a different mindset.

Same with jumping in the pool or onto your bike saddle. It just shifts perspective. That’s why I really try to be in the moment when it comes to racing. If you start thinking about the marathon before you swim it can really put an unnecessary weight on your shoulders.

Break it all down into sections. Swim, bike, and run. Then parse each of those into smaller sections. I’m just gonna do a chill swim. Then, oh, I feel pretty good. I’m gonna keep going. I feel really good. Swim strong to the exit. Then repeat on the bike and run without getting ahead of ourselves.

I know my mind is in the right place when I’m not thinking about mile markers and they just start showing up before I expect them. You’re in control and in the moment. It’s cliche’ but one stroke, one pedal, one stride at a time. Good breathing, etc… I have good luck with mantras when I’m swimming, biking and running. Takes the mind away to a place of meditation vs. overthinking everything.


One of my favorite quotes is, “If 90% of the people think you’re crazy, you’re probably on the right track.” That is the mantra for all of this training. I’m like everyone else. I want things to be easy. I am an excellent candidate for the couch most days. It feels good. It’s a nice escape. But I also know what I’m doing makes those lazy moments more rewarding.

Training also makes you more resilient. The things that were tough don’t seem so bad anymore. It’s a weird thing though because it’s hard to remember. Everything becomes relative in your mind. “I know I’m training for Ironman, but I’m “still” lazy when I don’t do the laundry.

I really try to let those thoughts go into the ether because it’s all a trap. There’s really not much that’s black and white in the world. We have to find our own place of happiness and health. It seems like the work is never done, and it probably isn’t, so I just take things as they come and celebrate little wins with a higher purpose guiding my journey.

[email protected]

25 Days Until Ironman Wisconsin


A lot of things can happen fast in this sport if you’re willing to focus. Up until late June (at the time of our C26 Triathlon Camp) I was more concerned with the move from Chattanooga than training and really didn’t think I would be racing this year.

The two weeks following camp, went to hell as well. Below is a screen grab from my Training Peaks.

There was lots of travel and moving, etc., and I didn’t really start finding a groove on things until July 9th when I got excited about mountain biking at Kettle Moraine, which is only 10 minutes from the family cottage.

Since that day I have been all yellow or green with a full Ironman training schedule. That’s basically 9 weeks out from Ironman Wisconsin and now 25 days out I actually feel like I’m in a decent position to do the race.


I had to swallow my “speed-pride” (especially as an older gentleman) and just work on building strength and endurance. The week following the above monstrosity I got in 12 hours of solid work. The following week I got 15, including two loops of the Wisconsin bike course.

That was literally a “3 day IM prep block weekend” that included an hour swim on Friday and a 1:30 run on Sunday. The weekend was “yellow” but I was quickly in the ballpark.


The following week was another 15 hours and felt good. Other than riding the course that time, I committed to staying on the trainer as sort of a fast track. Something about getting to the point of liking trainer rides really seems to give me a training boost. I normally hate it, but after a couple weeks I was looking forward to the grind in my mom’s garage or on the deck at the cottage.


Another thing I’ve been doing is doing a portion of my runs on the treadmill. Many times I will start on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes, then go outside to finish the run. I’ve found this really helps keep my pace in check with a controlled warm up.


Swimming is always a sticking point for me, so I have to really up the volume as the race gets closer. I built slow and manageable with workouts that felt good. Started with 50s and 100s and ample rest. Then built to some 3-400s… then got into 500s. I also did several pyramids to break things up. 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, then back down. That is a quick 2000 without thinking much. (Thanks, Emily).


If you’ve listened to the Crushing Iron Podcast, you know I’m a huge fan of warming up slowly. There’s something magical about starting slow, even in some pain, then feeling alive after 20 or 30 minutes. I have really taken that seriously this training period and think it’s making a big difference in my recovery as well.

Keeping it easy also translates to form. I’m always looking for the path of least resistance in my training. Not to take a short cut, but to let my body do what my body can do.

In swimming this means letting my body relax and be fluid. Engaging the core and lats, but being relaxed in the arms and mind. I am reaching, but not over-reaching. The lats are extending, but not to the point where it’s wearing me out. This also takes the pressure off the shoulder.

On the bike, it’s all about finding the right gears. Often I push the wrong gear on purpose to test myself and cement the muscle memory of what IS the right gear. I’m also focusing on a full pedal stroke and leading with my weak leg. I’m also working on core engagement to take pressure off my upper body. We should’t be “laying” on the aero bars, we should be resting there. Engage the core, be light on the arms.

With running, I’m both trying to let go and focus on a fluid stride that is driving by the core and hips. Ironman usually turns into a plodding contest on the second loop, but I’m working on training my mind to trust the form and my leg strength. Picking them up more than putting them down.


Now it’s all about keeping my head on straight and small gains. This is my biggest week of the training plan and instead of trying to crush it, I’m actually thinking about pulling back a bit. Instituting my 80% rule that allows me to cut some days back a little if I think it’s too much.

While I don’t think there is a ton of fitness to gain, there is certainly some. Like we talked about in yesterday’s podcast, your fitness is a sum of the days. Building/peaking keeps happening if you don’t go into a coma, then Taper is the time for the body to rest and repair, which are certainly “gains.”


“Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical.” – Yogi Berra

I’ve always loved this quote, and while it technically doesn’t make sense, it is a great test of our ability to suspend reality. How will we deal with the mental struggles out on the course?

That’s honestly the biggest part of my training process right now. Finding body pain and figuring out how I will deal with them in my head.

For me that starts with the bike. I’m already trying to talk myself through saddle, neck and shoulder pain. Sucking it up for one more mile… then another … then another. Just getting through it and moving on.

I truly think most of us don’t reach our potential because the mind talks us out of it. I know this race will be hard. I know I will probably hate my decision around mile 80 of the bike and mile 16 of the run, but it’s just one day.

[email protected]

The C26 Club Program for 2022

The C26 Club, is back for 2022 with an amazing new offer for athletes ready to dial in their season through their A-Race.

The basic Club offers a training plan designed specifically for you, your goals, and fitness level. It also comes with access to hundreds of instructional videos, team Zoom Calls, our Athlete On-Boarding Guide, Introduction to Triathlon e-book, access to team gear, and events, along with access to our ONLINE HUB. The basic Club Plan is $349 through your A-Race.

The Club Plus membership offers all of that, along with Quarterly plan adjustments in case you get behind due to injury or life gets in the way of your training. Club Plus is available again for only $499.

And NEW in 2022, we are offering a program called Club & Hub.

With Club & Hub, you get The Club Plus Membership, along with a hands on training experience at our Beautiful Hub in Chattanooga. Not only that, you will get a two night stay in our new 4 bedroom Condo, which is awesome and on the same block as the C26 Hub.

This is a $1500 value, but you can take advantage all of this for only $999.

It really is a great way to set yourself up for success in 2022. The Hub visit includes an in-depth swim analysis in our endless pool, bike fit overview, bike and run zone testing, and run form analysis.

Due to high demand on the weekends, the Club & Hub packages are currently only available on Monday nights, Tuesday and Wednesdays. It’s a great way to get away with a friend or your family and explore Chattanooga while getting your training off to a great start!

For more information and availability, please email Somer at: [email protected]

Fitness Over Speed

Crushing Iron Podcast #376 – Fitness over Speed


  • Podcasting future – We talk a little about Joe Rogan’s Spotify deal and what it may mean for the landscape.
  • Losers on Netflix – Coach Robbie suggests this series for those who have overcome failures.
  • The Heat is on . . . did you just get slower? – Don’t put too much stock in running or biking slow as the Spring turns to Summer.
  • Judging fitness in a vacuum – There are so many variables in a training plan and we need to look at fitness from a wide perspective.
  • General fitness vs. Performance Fitness – How to we differentiate between being in shape and ready to lay it down in a race?
  • It’s how your body handles stress – Training boils down to putting stress on your body and recovering. How well are you handling that load?
  • Do you recover well after intervals? – Can you bounce back during recovery segments between intervals?
  • Can you replicate intervals? – On the above topic… can you replicate the interval you just did or do you drop off? Needs for adjustments.
  • You can’t always chase a speed or a number – The variables are immense. Different routes, temperatures, wind, etc. Chase deep fitness.
  • We become our own reality of who we think we are – It’s important to understand that training stacks on top of each other and one workout does not define us, nor should we let it.
  • Your fastest days could be more about conditions – Many course records are set on perfect condition days. Flat course, no wind, perfect for the athlete’s strengths.
  • Creating fitness for Wisconsin or Florida? – Are you training for your specific race? We always recommend hill training, but a course like Wisconsin gives you many more body blows than something like Florida. It’s a different kind of resilience.
  • You hit it in training but not the race – Why are you not hitting your goals when the chips are down on race day?
  • Fitness is about ability to bounce back – Have you built reserves? Know how to tap into them?
  • Time running vs. distance – Running for an hour in perfect conditions could take you up to a mile further vs. running under a hot sun. We advocate running for time so you don’t force yourself into a deep fatigue.
  • Stress score points – Are you building enough stress over the course of a week to make the amount of stress you’ll lay out in a race seem manageable?
  • Tired legs and accumulated fatigue – Respect the fact that training mostly has you workout out on tired legs. Adjust your hopes and dreams accordingly.
  • Fatigue masks fitness – This should always be remembered. The idea of training is to work on tired legs and build strength and endurance. The taper is meant to recover on a deep level so you are ready to race. Don’t expect to hit race paces while deep in training.
  • What are you trying to build? – Are you trying to build a strong and resilient athlete? Or do you want to set a bunch of daily PRs?
  • What are you trying to become? – Is this a long-term process or are you always looking for a quick fix?
  • When you’re too tired to show off your engine – We talk a lot about building your chassis so it can handle the power of a strong engine. If your body and frame can’t handle the engine, you’ll likely wear down or get injured.
  • Expressing current fitness vs. Durability – Get away from the idea that you want to be totally rested and fresh so you can “crush” individual workouts. Think of long course training as a work in progress where you’re slowly building the durability you need for success.
  • Today is not the race, so what are you doing? A lot of us want to go out and “show our fitness” today so we can post a screen grab, but today is likely not race day. Use today as a way to get better down the road. Work on weaknesses and build long-term strength.

The Return To Racing . . . And “Winning”

Crushing Iron Podcast #375


  • How racing may look different this year 
  • You need to become self-sufficient at races
  • Being faster in transition – 
    • Walk the swim to transition path
    • Count and landmark your bike 
    • Towels aren’t just for kids
    • Helmet on bike shoes 
    • Walk the bike-in 
    • Keep it lean 
    • Leaving transition with ice 
    • Pick up your water bottle if you drop it  
    • In-race is not the time to wing it
  • What is winning?
  • Michael Jordan’s Last Dance Discussion
  • Winning is relative
  • Michael Phelps struggles 
  • The mental side of winning 
  • How much are you willing to sacrifice?
  • Sacrifice vs. Choice 39:50 
  • Can you be the best without being an ass?
  • Life changes in an instant 
  • Why aren’t you enjoying this? 
  • Motivation for winning
  • Prove something to yourself
  • Do you see yourself as success or failure?
  • Mind games athletes need to play
  • Virtual Medals and Podiums

The C26 Online Hub is now open to the public! Click here to learn more about what’s in the Hub and take advantage of our “Pay What You Want” for a limited time.

Looking for an awesome coach this season? Former Professional triathlete, Jessica Jacobs is now coaching for C26 Triathlon. Check out her bio and contact information at our Coaching Page on C26Triathlon.com