IMWI 008 Push-ups, Planks, and Carbs

If you like to watch TV, use the commercials for push-ups and planks so you core is crispy for Ironman Wisconsin.  I more or less pay $150 a month to watch Badgers’ hoops and an occasional Seinfeld re-run, so it’s the least I can do to get my money’s worth.  Other than that, I’m climbing back on the pasta train with my sights set on some bike-trainer-intensity a couple times a week.  Following Ironman Chattanooga, the first thing I said to myself was, “That marginal run I just put in was all about the bike.”  Yeah, the bike felt decent, but my hamstring and hip-flexors were too tired to run.  Follow Crushing Iron on Facebook or @crushingiron on Twitter.

Here’s my list of 50 Ironman Wisconsin race reports.