Ironman Inspiration

Surround yourself with inspirational people.  Even the simplest thing can lift you to greater things.  For me it’s when someone unleashes a buried passion.

Daniel, gettin’ it done

On Wednesday, I ran with the East Nasties and the power of a group cannot be underestimated.  It’s amazing how a bunch of motivated people can take your mind off limitations.  I had been limping around thinking about my wanky knee for weeks, but the minute we took off, the energy of 250 people took me away.

I trudged along at a 9:30 pace, but just being out there again felt great and restored my faith.  We ran about four miles and by the end my knee was an afterthought.  I felt like I could knock out a half marathon, I went to 3 Crow Bar for some Guinness.  Sometimes, I think our higher powers forgive a couple post-run-beers.

My first conversation is usually with Jim.  He got me into this mess and now I poke and prod for stimulating insight at every turn.  His run was much faster and he rattled off a list of plans for his Saturday.  P90x in the morning, followed by a 9mile run, 8 o’clock bed time, then a 1:50 am 5K as an overnight Ragnar Relay simulation.  All of this, and his foot has been bugging him for weeks.  “Sometimes you gotta work through the pain.”

I hear that, buddy!

Then there’s Kevin.  I watched as he did Ironman Louisville this summer which ultimately sealed my decision to take on Wisconsin.  He routinely leads a pace group for East Nasty runs, is doing Ragnar, then following it up with the ball busting Flying Monkey marathon 7 days later.  Between all that, he parties like a rock star.

I’m listening, bro!

As I was walking out of 3 Crow, I ran into a couple women that started the Couch to 5K program with me back in January.  Both are running further than ever, and it’s likely that neither realizes their role in my success.  One caught me a little off guard when she said she’s been studying to be a yoga instructor, and it’s things like this that truly make me happy.

Ironman Wisconsin training teammate, Mark

I think it’s because I love when people people follow a passion.  I’ve spent a lifetime working on ways to improve my life, my habits, and my instincts.  When someone shares a story like this, it literally strengthens my bond with humanity.  Knowing we’re in this together is extremely comforting.

So, when I stop by Ugly Mugs every morning and see Andy and Matt working on their dream business before they go to a job, it jump starts my day.  When I see workout posts from fellow Ironman Wisconsin teammates, Mark and Daniel, I dig deeper.  And when I read inspirational posts of fellow bloggers it drives me to keep releasing my thoughts to the world.  The words, the actions, the people lift me higher and fill in the blanks to this mysterious quest for higher purpose.

One Reply to “Ironman Inspiration”

  1. This is why I *love* this blogging community–everyone is so inspirational, so how can we not feel motivated and rise to the occasion? 🙂

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