Rev3 Knoxville Looms – Pre Race "Report"

I guess it’s time to start talking about Rev3 Knoxville.  My buddy Jim and I will be doing the Olympic with Katherine (along with a few Knox girls) while Corey, Marc, and Wasky are gearing up for the Half.  Should be a good ole’ fashion showdown on both fronts.

They’ve made a couple changes to the race this year, including moving the location for transition.  It used to be about a .66 mile run (according to Corey’s Garmin) from the water to your bike, but it looks like that distance will now be cut in half.  The other change escapes me . . . but maybe it’s the weather?

Last year it was 56 degrees and rained the entire race.  Portions of the run were literally through knee-deep-water.  Frankly, I kinda thought it was awesome, but unfortunately it doesn’t look like we’ll be that lucky again.  Here’s a finish line shot from that glorious day, which made my list of favorite photos from last yearrev3finishcuMy buddy Corey was there for the fun last year and I think he still has scars.  The water temp was 53 degrees and it made for a dicey start to his long-distance triathlon career.  But racing in terrible weather can only make you better.  He took the hard-nock-Knoxville and turned it into a sub-12 Ironman at Louisville.  You can read about Corey’s heroics here.

I had a good race in Knoxville last time and don’t really think I can beat that time.  I’m sure I’d be more confident if I was actually training, but doing New Orleans took a little bit of steam out of the little bit of steam I had going.  I think knowing  that I’m doing the Olympic is a bit of a relief.  Which . . . is pretty damn funny when you think of it.

Less than two years ago an Olympic triathlon seemed, not only unreasonable, but unthinkable.  Now I’m approaching it like a stroll in the park.  No matter how you slice it, that’s a really good feeling.

I’m pretty comfortable with the swim (though I missed this morning’s workout).  I’m still a mystery on the bike (I tend to view the bike as a strength but New Orleans put a big seed of doubt in my brain).  The run is . . . well, likely dependent on my bike (but I do feel pretty confident I’ll actually be able to stand up after my ride this time).

I will be in Knoxville on Friday night anxiously awaiting the opening of the Expo and the mandatory athlete meeting.  Considering the conditions last year (and the fact that they rejected my application to be a team ambassador) I thought Rev3 put on an awesome race and I’m looking forward to seeing how they do when it’s 95 degrees and sunny.